EMPowered Heat
Agriculture & Food
EMPowered Heat could allow for faster and more uniform drying with reduced energy consumption joule for joule vers fossil fuel-based heat and lower emissions.
Widespread adoption of EM energy to improve the efficiency, emissions, and cost of agricultural drying processes has not been achievable to date due to cost and scalability limitations. EMPowered Heat can change this.

EMPowered Heat offers a proven high-power, high efficiency platform that is low cost, and can be applied to bulk solids drying.

The EMPowered Heat Advantage:
Can eliminate or reduce direct GHG emissions.
Lower energy cost and faster drying reduces opex by up to 50%
Direct molecular heating means minimal heat transfer losses.
Volumetric heating – fast and uniform water removal drives energy input reductions of up to 50% for the drying process.
Precise temperature regulation allows for higher quality product.